Site in costruction


Home of inorganic intellectual chaos and unpolished content


0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Why make websites simple ?

Cool Android stuff

Team Win Recovery Package

Pitch Black Recovery Package

A list of things i want to do in the long term

Italian Espresso Coffee Sommelier

DNS resolution chain from my local system


0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

The case for biparted project structure ( build/src )

I always structure my projects in two main directories: build and src. Build contains "dynamic", temporary, possibily auto-generated stuff. Src contains human-made stuff.

This policy is quite rigid, with very few carefully considered exceptions.

Why ?

Let’s say you want to take the lazy route and put everithing together without much regard.

0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Blogpost idea: dealing with bad containers

Talk about: - containers that do not allow to mount config in a volume-friendly way examples: windmill, element-web

  • bad docker-compose practices: i.e. direct bind mounts

0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

About OOP and theoretical technical righteousness

See Stroustup OOP. Because one influential person says something condivisible, it is that "right" ?

Models are just models

Standards are so only if they get largely accepted


Exobrain is a weakly structured blog without constraints on content.

Blog is the place for curated essay-like documents. A blog post should be at least three paragraphs long. Paragraphs should be dense, about 10 periods. Incorporates a lot of qualities typical of essays.

0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

A small glossary for the Web2.x platform

There is a lot of confusion among my peers about the web platform.

0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Installing programs trough the OS package manager is an anti-pattern

0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Custom UID mappings for rootless containers

0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Adding CoW capabilities to SQLite

  • Using BTRFS snapshots ?

    • Adds dependency on host system. May be necessary using a bundled BTRFS image. Is BTRFS-on-VFS supported ?

      • Apparently no, and for good reason:
        With such configuration many assumptions BTRFS makes on storage will be broken. Data corruption guaranteed on the long term.

Someone built a SQLite-like DBMS with builtin CoW capabilities. Interesting, but not stable and thus not trustable.

0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Loading local environment files in a make process

# Load local environment file. # Since we want to not surprise the user, generate equivalent Make code that # sets each variable only if not already set via CLI envfile = build/make/env_from_file.make $(shell mkdir -p $(dir $(envfile)) && <.local/environment sed -nEe 's!([= ]+)=(.*)$$!export \1 ?= \2!p' > build/make/env_from_file.make) include $(envfile)

0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Nix ecosystem criticalities

Nix is a very interesting project that aims to solve fundamental issues of traditional package management systems. However itself presents some issues that makes its adoption difficult.

0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Graphite pencil’s hardness grades explained

Data from this web page.

La durezza di una matita è data dal tipo di mina, la sua anima in grafite, che ne influenza lo spessore e il colore del tratto. Una matita con mina più dura presenterà un tratto più chiaro e sottile, ma anche più difficile da cancellare, mentre una mina più tenera offrirà un tratto spesso e scuro, più facile da cancellare, ma si consumerà anche più in fretta. Esistono 2 tipi di scale per misurare la durezza di una matita, la scala britannica che utilizza le lettere e quella statunitense che utilizza invece i numeri. Nella tabella qui sotto si possono trovare entrambe le scale con alcune indicazioni sugli utilizzi più idonei.

=== 2+| Grado durezza .2+| Caratteristiche .2+| Utilizzo | Britannico | Statunitense | 9B | .5+| Molto morbide, tratto nero .5+| Lavori artistici quali schizzi e bozze | 8B | | 7B | | 6B | | 5B | | 4B | .4+| Abbastanza morbide, tratto nero .4+| Adatte al disegno a mano libera | 3B | | 2B | #0 | B | #1 | HB | #2 .2+| Durezza media, tratto scuro .2+| Piuttosto versatili, adatte alla scrittura | F | #21/2 | H | #3 .2+| Mina dura, tratto grigio .2+| Indicate per il disegno tecnico | 2H | #4 | 3H | .3+| Piuttosto dure, tratto chiaro .3+| Idonea per progettazioni tecniche o grafiche a livelli avanzati | 4H | | 5H | | 6H | .4+| Molto dure e con tratto molto chiaro .4+| Utilizzate per lavori di litografia, cartografia e xilografia | 7H | 8H | 9H

La lettera H indica le mine più dure (hard) mentre la lettera B indica quelle più morbide (black, ad indicare il tratto più scuro). La lettera F (fine point) invece indica una via di mezzo, né troppo dura né troppo morbida, che, insieme alla HB, via di mezzo leggermente più morbida, è  quella più indicata per l’utilizzo nelle scuole.